New alarming stress figures only show the tip of the iceberg

Nye alarmerende stresstal viser kun toppen af isbjerget

The alarming figures clearly indicate that we have now reached a point where the prevailing growth paradigm is beginning to manifest in well-being measurements. In other words, we see how efficiency measures, cost-cutting exercises, and the pursuit of target management are starting to impact individual employees both mentally and physically. And my guess is that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

A new chapter

That it marks the beginning of a new chapter. Or at least, it provides an opportunity to reflect on what happened in the past year.
What are you looking forward to?
What would you like to leave behind?

Coherence, responsible insistence, and more meaning. Now.

In our calendar, we have just entered a new year. For many of us, this means reflecting on the past year and perhaps considering what we want from 2017 – the new year. Some think in terms of New Year's resolutions – what do I want to change, do differently, quit, let go of, add, start, do better?

How rich we really are

I have written heaps of columns. This is my first blog.
But I think I'll continue where my columns left off. Namely, by subjecting various phenomena in this life to my wonder, curiosity, joy, and enthusiasm.

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