Fastekursus med Helen Eriksen

Fast yourself free – find your core

A week-long fasting course with self-indulgence, personal development, humor, joy, and 30 years of experience.


04. januar- 10. januar 2025 – SOLD OUT
01. februar – 07. februar 2025 – SOLD OUT
28. juni – 4. juli 2025 – ÅBEN FOR TILMELDING.
26. juli – 1. august 2025 – ÅBEN FOR TILMELDING.
2. august – 8. august 2025 – ÅBEN FOR TILMELDING.

8,500 DKK, including VAT, meals, accommodation, and instruction.

Sådan tilmelder du dig – klik her.

See what previous participants are saying about the course.

Nedenfor kan du skrive dig op på ventelisten til de udsolgte kurser. Du bliver kontaktet, hvis en plads bliver ledig.

"What the eyes are to the outer world, fasting is to the inner world." - Mahatma Gandhi.

"Fasting is the greatest medicine – the inner doctor." - Philippus Paracelsus.

En uges intensivt fastekursus hvor:

  • You find yourself in beautiful surroundings characterized by tranquility, silence, high ceilings, and delightful nature.
  • You completely unwind and de-stress. You get revitalized and recharge your batteries.
  • You are pampered daily with relaxation, yoga, meditation, massage, and foot baths.
  • You receive daily health-building knowledge about your body, nutrition, and psychology.
  • You discover your core with peace, self-awareness, joy, humor, and laughter.
  • You expand your brain capacity, improve your health quality, and enhance your overall well-being.
  • You invest in yourself, your well-being, your self-worth, your integrity, and your happiness.
  • You fast and detox for five days with organic vegetable broth, herbal teas, and freshly pressed vegetable juices.
  • You gain so much physical and mental surplus, self-awareness, and energy that it defies both the law of Jante and perhaps even gravity.
  • You learn about stress management, unwavering resilience, well-being, and self-leadership from the world champions: the body and nature.
  • You find yourself in beautiful surroundings characterized by tranquility, silence, high ceilings, and delightful nature.

Course leader and instructor er psykolog, cand.psych. Helen Eriksen, der også er forfatter og international foredragsholder med 30 års erfaring som kursusholder, ernæringsvejleder og kropsterapeut. Helen har selv mediteret og dyrket yoga i over 30 år og har i lige så mange år udfra en funktionel medicinsk og helhedsorienteret tilgang skrevet bøger, afholdt kurser og tilbudt coaching og rådgivning om lederudvikling, personlig udvikling, trivsel, selvmotivation, krop-kost-psyke forhold, stressforebyggelse, og om hvordan vi mest opbyggende forholder os til forandringer. Helen bruger derudover en del af sin tid på trivselsskabende processer og på at coache og supervisere ledere og medarbejdere i den offentlige og private sektor i ind- og udland om ledelse af sig selv og andre ud fra et helhedsperspektiv.

Course price: 8,500.00 DKK, including VAT, meals, accommodation, and instruction. Please bring your own bed linen and towels.

Duration: Ankomst mellem 17.00 og 18.00. På den sidste dag er der afrejse kl. 13.30.

Sådan tilmelder du dig: Tilmelding sker ved indbetaling af enten den fulde kursuspris på 8.500 kr. eller depositum på 4.000 kr. (plus 700 kroner såfremt der ønskes enkeltværelse) til kontonummer:  0755-3230797527. Husk i så fald at oplyse kursustitel og efterfølgende at sende en mail til med dine kontaktdata samt dato for kurset, du tilmelder dig. Din tilmelding er sikret og registreres ved indbetaling af depositum eller det fulde kursusbeløb. Herefter modtager du kvittering, kursusbekræftelse, kursusdetaljer mm. på mail. Restbeløb indbetales senest 2 måneder før kursusstart. Ved framelding indtil 2 måneder før kursusstart tilbagebetales 85% af indbetalt beløb, herefter fortabes det, eller det kan overføres (minus de 15%) til et andet af Helen’s kurser. Ved overtegning skrives du på venteliste og får besked om dette. Mulighed for afbetaling i 3 rater: 4000 kr, 2000 kr. 2500 kr. Kontakt Helen pr. mail:

Other practical information: Der er på dette års kurser plads til max 8 personer på hvert af kurserne. Så tilmelding er efter først til mølle princippet. Enkeltværelse koster 700 kr. ekstra, som indbetales sammen med depositum. 

Location: STOR er glæden over, at kurserne nu foregår på mit eget sted, Eriksen Instituttet, Skovgården, Langdyssevej 5, Østerholm, 6430 Nordborg. Lige op ad den smukke Nørreskov og tæt på havet. Og jeg glæder mig helt vildt til at tage imod jer på mit nyrenoverede sted.

Transport:Transport: Tog til Sønderborg. Derfra 10 min gang til busstationen, hvor der går busser mod Nordborg. Vi henter efter aftale på endestationen i Nordborg mellem 16 og 17. Rejseplanen kan være en god hjælper ift rejseplanlægning.

For further information: Contact Helen Eriksen:, tel: 20 77 60 40."

Helen Eriksen er erhvervspsykolog, foredragsholder & forfatter
Do you have any questions before registering for the course?

So, write directly to Helen Eriksen via the form here.

Get a taste of my fasting course

In this online webinar, you can get a taste of what my self-indulgence and personal development fasting course entails.

"The fasting beginner's course, as it is called, but make no mistake; this is an extremely intensive course with a lot of teaching – and very short breaks. Helen teaches with body, soul, and humor everything related to the significance of diet for the body and soul – and she follows the 'walk and talk' principle by fasting herself throughout the entire course. It is a fasting course where you receive food (solely liquid food) and where you learn about lasting weight loss principles, without stepping on the scale once during the entire course – hooray for that! I never felt hungry at any point during the entire course, which was something I was nervous about before signing up. The only discomfort I experienced from fasting was a mild headache for the first 2 days, most likely due to the lack of coffee/caffeine intake.
Five months after the course, I have lost a total of 9 kilos, and I rejoice every day in following the principles we were taught in the course. I would highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to better understand themselves and their inner state, both physically and mentally – in a wonderful course with plenty of room for questions. Helen is a rock star in the field of fasting and nutrition, no doubt about it – if you want to kickstart a healthier life, I can definitely recommend this course."

Gorm Esbirk

“Det bedste jeg nogensinde har gjort for mig selv, er at have deltaget i fastekursus hos Helen Eriksen. Jeg har fået så meget energi og er fyldt med overskud både mentalt og fysisk.

Jeg havde ikke tidligere fastet og blev ofte dårlig, når jeg blev sulten, så jeg var lidt skeptisk over at skulle faste en hel uge, men det hele er blevet gjort til skamme… jeg havde en fantastisk uge med selvforkælelse, selvindsigt og uden sult i meget trygge rammer.  Efterfølgende har det føltes helt naturligt at implementere nye madvaner til fordel for en sundere livsstil, så det er bestemt ikke sidste gang at jeg har deltaget.”

Heidi Knudsen

“Efter flere års tilløb deltog jeg i Fastekursus for begyndere – og jeg har ikke fortrudt et sekund!

Fastekurset er simpelthen gaven til mig selv, som vedbliver at gi’. Og vildt nok, så er det ikke kun mig den giver til, men også mine omgivelser!

Jeg har altid haft et meget aktivt liv, og en hverdag fyldt op med børn, arbejde, foreningsaktivitet, foredrag, politisk arbejde, bestyrelsesmøder og en masse andre gøremål, som jeg synes det har været vigtigt at bakke op om. Kort og godt – jeg brugte det meste af min tid på andre, og alt for lidt tid på mig selv og mit velbefindende. I alt travlheden har jeg ikkebemærket, at min krop og balance var kommet noget ud af kurs og var på overarbejde. En ekstra kop kaffe, lidt mere sødt og lidt mindre søvn, så kunne jeg nok nå det hele alligevel, selvom jeg var lidt presset på tiden. 

Jeg har godt kunnet mærke, at jeg skulle til at give mig selv lidt mere opmærksomhed, så i år undte jeg mig selv en uges fastekurus for begyndere på  Eriksen Instituttet på Skovgården, Als.

I smukke smukke omgivelser, beliggende helt tæt på en af Danmarks længste kystskove, trådte jeg ind i en uge propfyldt med alt det som min krop og bevidsthed havde godt af. Dejlig morgenbevægelse, vedkommende undervisning, meditation og masser af frisk luft og lange gåture. 

Efter en uge vendte jeg ”totally detoxed” og klogere hjem. Min balance, nærvær og opmærksomhed blev ret snart bemærket af mine nærmeste. 

Derudover får jeg her i kølvandet på kurset, den ene aha-oplevelse efter den anden. Jeg falder ikke i søvn i sofaen mere og jeg bliver ikke træt, når jeg kører lange ture i bilen, og af den grund må køre ind på den nærmeste tankstation efter kaffe og sukker, til at holde mig vågen på.

Jeg kan klart og helt i balance give min bedste anbefalinger til Helens begynder-fastekurser. Helen er både sjov, skarp og dygtig, og så er hun bare en blændende formidler. 

Bonus info: Det bedste er, at det sikkert kun er første gang du selv skal betale for kurset. For året efter er din familie helt sikkert klar til at betale endnu et kursus til dig ;-)”

Karin Schwartz

"I feel fantastic after a week at the beginner's fasting course with Helen Eriksen. I have learned more in this week about the connection between diet, body, and mind than by reading countless books over the last 5-6 years. Helen has provided me with entirely new knowledge and insight in the most exciting, empathetic, and entertaining way, and has tirelessly been available for detailed questions.

The companionship and intimacy with 13 other like-minded participants have been SO inspiring. In a way, I have seen myself through the eyes of others, while throughout the week, I have worked on finding my own values and tried to sense what makes me happy. I hope that I have also been able to give my fellow participants a bit of inspiration in return.

The day after returning home, I have already signed up for the next course because I just have to experience this again.

Thank you once again for an almost 'life-changing' fasting week ❤️"

Helle Bigum

"I have just completed Helen Eriksen's 'Fasting Course 1'. Years ago, I also participated in this course, and it had positive, life-changing results for my life: Before the course, I had a somewhat strained relationship with food, always being thin, and knowing that if I didn't eat all the time, I would feel unwell, get nauseous, get headaches, etc. To my great surprise, I went through the fasting course without experiencing these symptoms once—and haven't had them since!

After the fasting course, I felt SO clean—light in body and soul.

This year's fasting course was also a wonderful experience, a 'life-energy injection': Helen's unpretentious and engaging teaching on how the body and its organs are best supported through diet—lovely morning yoga—massage—companionship with lovely 'co-participants'—all in all, a wonderful experience for both body and soul.

I have already signed up for the advanced course."


"Everyday life has caught up with me with frequent travel and meeting activities where flights and hotels are frequented at record speed.

However, thinking, eating, and living are done in a completely new way. I have established a connection with my body that provides well-being and harmony. The diet has been changed, and new habits are emerging while old ones are unlearned. The transition process is well underway. So, despite the hustle and bustle, I have gained inner peace, new energy, and a bonus that comes with weight loss. So, thank you, Helen!

I have started and restarted the journey to a so-called "healthier life" many times throughout my life. It has often remained with good intentions. Necessary determination in implementation was weakened by the "good" objections, excuses, and explanations.

Now, at the age of 67, I run my own consultancy with long working days and short nights. I began to seriously feel that my work and lifestyle needed to change. So, when a good colleague mentioned Helen Eriksen and her fasting program, I became curious. And at lightning speed, I signed up along with my wife. The best decision I have ever made.

And what an investment!

After listening to Helen's introduction of herself, program overview, and stories from her long and extensive practice, I was highly motivated for "Fast deg fri - finn inn til din kjerne" (Fast yourself free - find your core) from the very beginning. I intuitively felt that I had found the right process to kickstart my transformation. Now it was just a matter of entering the bubble and letting myself be guided.

The fasting program also included yoga and meditation every day. After Helen's lectures, I suddenly understood the exploitation and danger I had subjected my body to.

Received a 'wake-up warning' that hit me well in the solar plexus. And at that moment, I realized that this journey would be more transformative for me than I had thought in advance.

This time, I heard no disturbing inner voices with their excuses, explanations, or objections.

Helen's health psychological lectures were an experience in themselves. Very well pedagogically structured, where stories and practical experiences bubbled up as from an inexhaustible source. With an engagement and enthusiasm that infected us, the participants. We were eight in total, and Helen created a nice atmosphere in the group, creating good group dynamics among us.

Five days with vegetable broth, miso, lemon water, green tea, yoga sessions, meditation, inspiring and informative lectures, a stroll on the beach, colon cleansing, and intestinal massage left their mark both in the soul and body.

The days were filled with the fixed program points, and our excellent course leader just overflowed with knowledge, experience, stories, and metaphors that made a healthy diet and green lifestyle both fun, motivating, and, most importantly, meaningful.

The course and program come highly recommended, and Helen effectively but motivatingly conveys the message that what I am looking for, I must find within myself.

The various activities of the program also contributed to an inner calm that was new to me.  

So, even though I haven't become an entirely new person, I have at least become a better version of myself.

After 5 days of fasting, my wife and I are brimming with energy. It's just bubbling with initiative to start our new lives. Body and mind are in sync.

The big challenge will be facing everyday life. The stay has definitely done something to us in different ways. What the result will be, only time will tell."

Gunnar Sæthre

Senior AdviserSkagerak Consulting AS

"The year is soon coming to an end. And one of the things I think back on the most is my stay with you this summer. 

It meant and means a lot to me. 

What is immediately noticeable about me is that I have lost 18 kg. This is thanks to your dietary guidance and advice. And therefore, a change in diet. What I also took away from the stay is the importance of treating one's organs "properly." 

But also mentally, I have gained a lot - in terms of thoughts. 

Before I came to you, I had been taking blood pressure medication for six months - I don't take it anymore, as it is not necessary. 

You simply "managed" to show me the way to "a new life." 

When I use the word "managed," it is meant positively. You are an amazing person - giving, knowledgeable, good-humored, and incredibly warm. It's incredible that such a petite lady like you can contain so much.

Thank you very much for everything. 

I must warn you - it certainly won't be the last time I sign up for one of your courses."

Lene Kjærulff

"I let go of the phone, meetings, the internet, TV, decisions, input, output, and even the fictional book I thought would be part of a relaxing week in the countryside. With the course, I had accepted that even food was entirely released.
Fasting was crucial for the outcome, but it was only one piece of the puzzle.

Body, mind, soul found peace to be present in themselves.
Yet it wasn't relaxation - passive and vegetative.

It was active purification and insistence on tranquility.

I breathed - my breath - felt my living body - myself, my emotions, and my life.

The experience was shared with a small group of strangers - would it have been stronger solo?
No, in meeting others, I encounter aspects of myself.

It was crucial for the effective and positive experience that it was all framed with loving professional authority by Helen Eriksen.
Filled structured days with a clear purpose. It wasn't a vacation. It was much better!" Det var ikke ferie. Det var meget bedre!”

Tina Pipa, DR Archive Manager 

"The fasting seminar with Helen was a profound and joyful experience that exceeded my expectations. Her 30 years of personal experience with fasting, combined with a background in psychology, nutrition, and physiotherapy, instilled confidence and laid the foundation for a relaxing week.

Even though it might sound sad to refrain from eating for five days, it was a surprisingly pleasant experience for me, largely without discomfort or drama; on the contrary, in fact.

I returned home with a sense of being cleansed, strengthened, and more aware and responsive to my body. Last but not least, I felt deeply inspired by Helen's clarity and approach to life. If you have considered participating in the fasting seminar, I highly recommend it."

Julian Noyce, Publisher, UK

"How is it possible to have fun and be life-affirming when not eating for an entire week? My answer is Helen Eriksen.

Helen is good company, a competent instructor – and a safe and generous host.

Thanks for an educational and enjoyable week."

Kristin Birkeland

"A fasting week with Helen is a delightful break from everyday life - where time slows down, and you are invited to a rare meeting with yourself, where inner peace and deeper insights can unfold. When we have an opportunity to recharge, we typically also notice nuances in our lives that the pace of everyday life had obscured.

A beautiful, atmospheric, meaningful, and powerful combination of fasting, yoga, massage, meditation, and the super exciting presentations by Helen Eriksen make me highly recommend the course to anyone in need of a retreat week focusing on their own body and soul."

Nina Lei

“Fastekurset hos Helen var en fantastisk oplevelse i smukke omgivelser. Det var en super kombination af faste, blid yoga, afslapning og fagligt input. Der var virkelig kredset om detaljen. Jeg følte mig i trygge hænder. Det var meget fascinerende, hvordan kroppen reagerer så positivt på ikke at spise i fem dage. Jeg kan varmt anbefale at faste hos Helen.”

Ruth Geisler

"When I look back on the year 2016, there are some experiences that stand out clearly. One of the most important is my fasting course with Helen.

I have gained a deeper understanding of the processes in my body, my diet has changed, and I have lost weight. But most importantly, I experienced being able to stop taking my blood pressure medication. Medication I had been taking for 20 years.
I will definitely return.

My best recommendations."

Architect Jette Tømmerup

“The fasting week was a life-time experience in itself. It was a week of emptying one’s personal waste bin, replenishing batteries, clearvoyance, reflecting about oneself without getting lost thanks to good guidance, phantastic company, respect and appreciation. Anyone truly wanting to do good to him- or herself should sign up and look forward to the experience.”

Babette Pfander, Switzerland

"When I look back on 2013, one week stands out. It was the week with Helen and the other participants, which, for me, distinguished itself as the most beautiful, heartwarming, unique, and meaningful experience of the year, all concentrated in one week.

We were not held in Helen's firm hands - no, we were carried by her overwhelmingly large heart and universal wisdom, providing so much nourishment to our bodies, minds, souls, and hearts.

One single word encapsulates the experience for me, and that word is gratitude!

I cannot and do not wish to withhold my warmest and most heartfelt recommendation to anyone considering this opportunity."

Steen Oxbøll

“These days of fasting with Helen Eriksen have been an enlightening and happy experience: deep cleansing for my body, all the organs and glands, nourishing teachings and meditations, nicely balanced with joyful yoga and stretching, ending with a wonderful ending ritual. And all in a beautiful  environment. When can I sign up again?”

Matti Straub-Fischer, Chief changel and coach, Changels & Headmaster of Chaospilots, Switzerland.

"I attended Helen's fasting course in July 2014. I had long harbored a desire to participate in one of her courses. I have come to know Helen as a very competent, present, and warm-hearted instructor who manages to combine a practical and down-to-earth approach to teaching with profound wisdom of life. I chose the fasting course based on previous very positive experiences with integrating the body process with a meditative process.

The course fully met my expectations. Helen guided us through this fantastic experience with great presence and much love, where one gets very close to oneself and gains a lot of knowledge about how the body functions and the connection between psyche and body. The setting and the daily care by the entire team behind the course and the wonderful fellow participants made it an unforgettable experience.

I am ready for next year's fasting course and warmly recommend the course to everyone."

Jørgen Krogh

"Being with you during the very first week of my vacation was pure self-indulgence and 100% enjoyment. It was like being at home and at a luxury hotel at the same time: Thoughts were allowed to take a break, the practical aspects of fasting set the framework, so there was time for reflection, relaxation, and self-immersion; a pure delight for body and soul. It was exciting to look at food in a different way than in everyday life: What do the various foods do to the organs, what is especially good for me – and how does it affect me, both mentally and physically? Meditation, yoga, "meals" without food, colon cleansing, and the "homely" coziness all came together in harmony – and were combined with pleasant moments with interesting people of all ages. I also enjoyed my mornings on the bike, most days together with Jørgen, and the beautiful, beautiful surroundings. I have brought new habits home with me, such as drinking water with lemon several times a day – and I no longer chew gum, which was a silly habit that actually gave me a stomachache – which is not surprising with all the additives in it!
It was much easier to fast than I had thought – and your extensive experience and the framework made me feel completely secure about it. I was ready to continue for 3-5 more days – and maybe I will next time 🙂 Thank you so much for a thoroughly enlightening and wonderful week!" 🙂 Tusind tak til dig for en helt igennem lærerig og vidunderlig uge!” 

Birgit Bøge, Teacher and Course Leader

"Fasting is the best gift you can give yourself. I have given myself that gift twice in my life, and there will be more of these gifts to come. It can be daunting to sign up for a fasting course; it was for me the first time as well. But after the first fasting course, I was 100% sure I would do it again. If you are considering fasting with Helen, you can be completely at ease; it is very professional. The entire process is planned down to the smallest detail, with great care for each individual. Helen has extensive knowledge about the physical body, the mind, and the soul, which she imparts to us participants. The knowledge you gain from there will positively change your life.

I say thank you for a wonderful week."  

Vibeke Risum

“I slutningen af juni 2024 deltog jeg for første gang i mit liv i et 5 dage fastekursus. Det var hos Helen Eriksen på hendes smukke sted Eriksen Instituttet, Skovgården på Als.

Jeg er 72 år og har deltaget  i en del kurser/oplevelser som understøtter  vores fysiske og mentale helbred. Jeg oplevede en gennemgribende udrensning både på det ydre og indre plan og det i trygge, smukke rammer og med Helen som en meget kompetent, rummende og kærlig guide i alle dagene.

Der var en fin afveksling i løbet af dagen mellem læringsinput, meditation, wellness og ”måltider” . ”Måltiderne” blev serveret i smukke rammer med lys på bordene.

Selv tarmskylning, som jeg prøvede for første gang og som udgangspunkt var meget skeptisk overfor,, blev en fin oplevelse med Helens grundige instruktion og vejledning – Jeg kommer helt sikkert igen.”

Susanne Drewes
Pure Vision ApS, Skagen

"From August 1st to 7th, 2021, I gave myself a long-awaited gift: a fasting course with Helen Eriksen!

And what a gift for both body and soul! 

Before the course, I had never tried fasting, and I tend to become quite difficult when I don't get food, so it was with anticipation in my stomach when I arrived at the beautiful Nygård on Sunday, August 1st.

The anticipation quickly turned into calm and security under Helen's absolutely fantastic leadership, and it was with peace of mind that I lived on liquid food made from fresh and organic ingredients for the next five days. My body needed so much calm both externally and internally – and it got that. On the second and third mornings, I had the wildest nausea, but otherwise, it surprisingly went smoothly to do without solid food. The body enjoyed the calmness and responded with fantastic inner peace and extremely heightened senses on the fourth and fifth days.

Throughout the week, the days were spiced up with Helen's inspiring and educational talks about the body and the mind. I have taken a lot of good and practical knowledge home that will shape my future lifestyle.

It's amazing what such a week in good company can do!

I wish that everyone will give themselves the same gift that I gave myself. We all deserve to experience that!"


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