Faciliterende ledelse | Frisættende ledelse | Kurser og foredrag med Helen Eriksen

1-dagskursus i faciliterende og frisættende ledelse

Én top inspirerende, opkvalificerende, kompetenceløftende kursusdag, hvor du får teoretisk og praktisk indsigt i, hvad faciliterende og frisættende ledelse er, viden om psykologien bag et langtidsholdbart og velfungerende teamsamarbejde, og et kig ind i maskinrummet for, hvordan og hvorfor 4 dages arbejdsuge virker så kattens trivselsskabende. En kursusdag spækket med nyeste forskning og praktiske eksempler og erfaringer fra de virksomheder og kommuner, der med succes allerede er i fuld gang.

Datoer for næste kursusdage:

  • 22. januar 2025 – SOLD OUT

Send en mail til Helen via  for at få oplyst næste dato.

The Eriksen Institute, Skovgården, Langdyssevej 5, 6430 Nordborg.

Course price:
Prisen udgør 5.500 kr. ex moms pr. deltager. Inklusive i beløbet er undervisning, undervisningsmaterialer, forplejning på kursusdagene – morgenmad, frokost, kaffe, te, sunde pausesnacks. 

See what previous participants are saying about the course.

Pssst: Du kan også med dit lederteam gøre som Erhvervshus Sydjylland gjorde, nemlig tage kurset i et udvidet firmainternt uddannelsesformat som en fælles opkvalificerende og kompetenceløftende proces for den samlede ledergruppe på nogle for jer tilpassede og passende datoer, med erhvervspsykolog Helen Eriksen som underviser og facilitator. Læs mere her.

"As a leader, can you give your employees too much influence? The answer is no. This is shown by research from NFA, where they have investigated whether employees can have so much influence that it becomes a burden rather than a resource. According to senior researcher Thomas Clausen from NFA, the results clearly indicate that influence is an important resource in the psychosocial work environment, contributing to increasing well-being and mental health among employees in various types of jobs – even those who, in surveys, report having high influence in their work." (NFA, 2023)

Her en præsentation af, hvad du får indblik i, i løbet af den intensive og top inspirerende kursusdag sammen med deltagere fra andre virksomheder og kommuner.

  • Six important strategic concepts within facilitative leadership.
  • Why involvement?
  • Hvad faciliterende og frisættende ledelse er, og hvordan det udføres i praksis.
  • Models for involvement in decision-making.
  • Leadership styles and degrees of involvement.
  • How to design decision-making processes and strategic processes from directive to involving to fully self-directed – determined by the context.
  • How to involve without losing control?
  • Hvad kræver det af dig, dit selvkendskab og din individuelle psykologi?
  • What about delegation and self-leadership?
  • How is the leadership right used?
  • Crisis and leadership styles.
  • Experiences from other organizations in Denmark and the world that you can use.
  • 4 dages arbejdsuge, hvad siger erfaringerne?
  • Hvordan kommer vi i gang?
  • Og hvordan får vi i øvrigt det allerbedste ud af samarbejdet med generation Z?
Do you have any questions before registering for the course?

So, write directly to Helen Eriksen via the form here.

Erhvervshus Sydjylland has engaged The Eriksen Institute, under the skilled guidance of Helen Eriksen, to design and facilitate a program on facilitative leadership. The reason for reaching out to Helen was a desire for a common and sustainable leadership language in a dynamic and complex organization. The program was divided into 3 modules, with both individual and collective coaching sessions in between. The leadership team has gained significant benefits from the training. In addition to establishing a common leadership language, the process has sparked many valuable discussions and reflections. It is my clear perception that Erhvervshus Sydjylland now stands strong—both in terms of being an attractive workplace and in ensuring that we create the maximum value collectively with our employees.

Jacob Chr. Nielsen, tidligere CEO Erhvervshus Sydjylland.

In the spring of 2023, I had the privilege of participating in Helen Eriksen's leadership training in facilitative leadership. The training is one of the most enriching programs I have attended, due in part to the combination of group modules, circle coaching, and individual leadership coaching. Through the group modules, we gained in-depth insights into the latest research and practices in leadership. This was significant, as trends indicate a shift from a growth paradigm to a well-being and coherence paradigm. In the group modules, we explored leadership styles, decision-making processes, psychological safety, self-leadership, and much more. Circle coaching was also a meaningful part of the training. As a relatively new leadership group with varying levels of experience, we created a common reference and a shared set of values. The insightful discussions contributed to strengthening our future collaboration within the group. The individual leadership coaching provided each of us the opportunity to explore our personal challenges and leadership styles. Each coaching session brought new insights, and we never left a circle coaching or an individual coaching without gathering valuable points that we can use in our ongoing development. The training has inspired me to view the organization as an organism where we are all connected. We must create together, and it should make sense, have a purpose, and provide value to the individual. A crucial learning from the training was the importance of mindfulness as an effective leadership tool. Mindfulness helps us face challenges with openness, empathy towards employees, and enables intuitive decisions in a complex world. The quality of the training is strongly linked to Helen Eriksen's unique personality and professional approach. Her presence, expertise, ability to relate theory to practice, as well as her energy, empathy, and infectious laughter create an inspiring and valuable learning experience. With a warm recommendation, I encourage other leaders to participate in this facilitative leadership training. Helen is a great source of inspiration, equipping participants with tools to navigate the complex world of modern leadership.

Anne Dorte Nielsen, PA, HR and Administration Manager, Erhvervshus Sydjylland.



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