
Vi er så mange, der gerne vil gøre en forskel

Vi stortrives, når vi får indflydelse og en mulighed for at gøre en forskel. Det gør os samtidig nytænkende, energifyldte, omstillingsparate og produktive til gavn for os selv, de organisationer og det samfund, vi er en del af. Så hvorfor ikke erstatte den organisatoriske vanetænkning med nye, visionære organiserings- og ledelsesformer, som understøtter alt dette – og meget mere til?

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Derfor udvikler du hjernen, når du faster

Tell me, are we allowed to...?

If you're a middle manager, you probably know this question from your everyday life. Perhaps you've heard your employees pose it, maybe to such an extent that you sometimes catch yourself thinking, 'Why should so many decisions actually go through me?' Perhaps you've also posed the question upward in your organization to ensure you're on track with the management's KPIs and expectations.

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Mindfullness meditation

We need breathing spaces, breaks, and self-love in order to give while also growing from it

We thrive best when, as individuals, employees, and leaders, we have the opportunity to give while also growing from it. However, we can only do that when we remember to recover and occasionally take the time for a self-loving 'give-while-I-grow' check. That's why breaks and mental breathing spaces are so crucial for our well-being, to the extent that they can actually be equated with fundamental needs like sleep and nutrition.

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Vækstparadigmet. Foredraget "Giv mens du vokser - fra travlhed til trivsel" er et af Helen Eriksens mest populære forandringsforedrag.

Have you considered what provides meaning for you?

"Imagine if..." Those three words in context are one of my favorite expressions because they inspire me to wonder. I often wonder, especially if the growth paradigm, its dogmas, and ideals have actually led us away from a much more cohesive way of understanding ourselves in the world, which would make much more sense for individuals.

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Quiet quitting – What is the meaning?

There has been an election in Denmark, and regardless of the government's color and composition, action needs to be taken. My greatest hope and heartfelt urging for the new government is that, through action, reforms, and human responsibility, it confronts the "sick" structures and endless exercises in cost-cutting and efficiency that, for far too many years, have contributed to the decline of meaning, values, and purpose — and to employees, leaders, professionals, and citizens who have simply had enough!

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Vi skal videre organisatorisk - hvad siger trivselsforskningen?

Yes, we need to move forward individually and organizationally – AND that requires a focus on constructive, honest, awareness-raising dialogues about meaning, well-being, and what we have learned from the pandemic.

Fortunately, the fog of the pandemic is lifting, and we now find ourselves in a place where, by listening to our own experiences, well-being research, and making room for presence, tranquility, self-compassion, constructive conversations, and shared exchanges of experiences, we can pave the way for more well-being, meaning, and greater job satisfaction.

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Derfor udvikler du hjernen, når du faster

Therefore, your brain develops when you fast

Just 20 years ago, it was believed that the brain's capacity was limited to the cells we are born with. That one had a brain with a certain number of nerve cells that remained constant throughout life. Since then, research has made us wiser, and today there is agreement that the human brain develops throughout life – provided, of course, that we give it the opportunity to do so.

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Med ønsket om mere trivsel og mere menneskelighed

With a wish for more humanity and a well-being fostering new year

With a wish for more humanity and a well-being fostering new year January is a suitable time for reflections on the past year and the 365 days that the new year holds. So, I have decided to start the year by sharing some of my biggest wishes and hopes for the new year with you. And those wishes and hopes contain echoes of both major and minor keys.

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Nye alarmerende stresstal viser kun toppen af isbjerget

New alarming stress figures only show the tip of the iceberg

The alarming figures clearly indicate that we have now reached a point where the prevailing growth paradigm is beginning to manifest in well-being measurements. In other words, we see how efficiency measures, cost-cutting exercises, and the pursuit of target management are starting to impact individual employees both mentally and physically. And my guess is that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

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A new chapter

That it marks the beginning of a new chapter. Or at least, it provides an opportunity to reflect on what happened in the past year.
What are you looking forward to?
What would you like to leave behind?

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Coherence, responsible insistence, and more meaning. Now.

In our calendar, we have just entered a new year. For many of us, this means reflecting on the past year and perhaps considering what we want from 2017 – the new year. Some think in terms of New Year's resolutions – what do I want to change, do differently, quit, let go of, add, start, do better?

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Friendships, presence, and the speed of light

I believe that friendships are among the most precious things we have. People in whose company you don't need to change anything about yourself, be different, smarter, richer, have better-paying jobs, or
have recently been to the Maldives to deserve a seat at the table.

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How rich we really are

I have written heaps of columns. This is my first blog.
But I think I'll continue where my columns left off. Namely, by subjecting various phenomena in this life to my wonder, curiosity, joy, and enthusiasm.

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Jordbær og æblerov (Danish)

Hvad har jordbær, Klods Hans og Peter Plys til fælles?
Jordbær overrasker ved deres sødme og jernindhold – uden at vide det.
Klods Hans er vittig, spontan og original – uden at prale af det.
Peter Plys er ganske enkelt storslået i sin tilsyneladende enfoldighed.

De overrasker hver især på en behagelig lærende måde.
De spejler én selv på en måde,
så man næsten kun kan lære af den refleksion,
der gives én.
Fordi måden,
hvorpå de hver især spejler én selv,
virker befriende.

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Købte pind-is i går.
En hel pakke af favorit isen,
så man ikke skal helt over til ismutter
For naturligvis skal vi også støtte ismutter!

Købte pind-is i går.
Fordi jeg har lagt mærke til
at uanset alder bliver mine børn SÅ glade,
når der er sørget for deres yndlingsis i fryseren.

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Lege med det…(Danish)

Husker det stadig.
Jeg løb henimod den blå rullemåtte med fuld fart på mine løbetrin.
Mine lidt korte ben bevægede sig som de ivrigste trommestikker
på et optimalt udspændt trommeskind
– gymnastikgulvet i gymnastiksalen på Augustenborg skole.
Duften af gymnastiksal var umiskendelig.
Smagen af målbevidsthed i hver en celle i min krop var intensiv og utvetydig:
Jeg skulle have det flik-flik flak til at fungere efter araberspringet.

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Jeg ka’ falde af! (Danish)

Skulle engang babysitte.
I Glasgow.
Et barn af nogle af mine bedste venner.
De skulle ud på en alene-aften i byen
Det er vigtigt!
Frodigt forår var det.
Haven bugnede af store grønne blade og strå og blomster.
Og så var der Angus.
3 år gammel skotsk dreng med mange generationer skotsk accent på læben. Endnu uvidende om
den skotske whiskey’s magi
og det nærmest abstrakt store antal pubber i bylivet omkring ham.

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Videnledelse og vinterbadning (Danish)

Slår man op i Brøndums encyklopædi, under videnledelse, så er der ikke lige nogen, der har skrevet
om det. Til gengæld står der noget om vimpel og vinterbadning, som jeg her vil tillade mig at
gengive, da det ved nærmere gennemlæsning rent faktisk viser sig at kunne indeholde en
gevaldig overførselsværdi i forhold til temaet i dette Kubus nyt – nemlig videnledelse.

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Ærlighed med K (Danish)

De sad dér.
Lige for øjnene af mig.
Med ryggen til mig og behageligt tilbagelænet opad et henkastet halmknippe. Optaget af deres samtale, havde de ikke hørt mig komme op af trappen.
Og skal jeg være ærlig,
var jeg også meget tidligere på den end vanligt.

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Derfor udvikler du hjernen, når du faster

Karrierer, bondeballer og trompetist-klinikker (Danish)

Da min søn Hagbard gik i børnehave ville han vældig gerne prøve at gå til trompet. På det tidspunkt havde han ”spillet” er måske lige lidt for meget sagt, men truttet da, i en trompet i 1½ års tid. Den eneste ledige spilletid der var hos Århus kommunale musikskoles trompetlærer Knud Albert var timen lige efter børnehavens lukketid.

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Saft, Sejl og Sigtbarhed (Danish)

Da én af mine venner i Schweiz på et tidspunkt grundet en fejlsatsning måtte ”lukke biksen” – et igennem årene innovativt og velrenommeret reklamebureau i Zürich, kom han op til Danmark og besøgte mig. Vi sad på en Café inde i Århus midtby, hvor vi på min anbefaling drak Hyldeblomstdrik fra ovennævnte producent. Jeg benyttede lejligheden til at spørge, om han ville høre noget klogt og sjovt, som stod på etiketten.

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Vær dit eget åndehul (Danish)

Det var midnat og det var det. Jeg skulle sove for længst. Trængte til det. Pulsen var generelt for høj. Meget arbejde. For lidt søvn. Anspændthed. Havde vel egentlig på det sidste haft lidt svært ved at falde i søvn. Var nok lige lidt overophængt. Og havde vel egentlig været det over vel lang tid.

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