Books on leadership
well-being, meaning
& sammenhæng

Fruit Tree Strategy

Giving while Growing

Living narratives about the new era of leadership DNA

Has been called the bravest book of the year on holistic self and leadership in times of paradigm shifts by Jyllands-Posten.

The English version of the book can be ordered by making a transfer of 299 DKK via MobilePay (phone number: 20776040).

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The Danish version can be ordered on here..

What readers say:

Professor Emeritus, Ph.D. Steen Hildebrandt:

"A changed world requires changed concepts and forms. We comprehend with our concepts. The world changes. Looking back over the past many years, there is no doubt that fundamental changes have occurred in thought patterns, insight, and ways of doing things. Looking forward, it is more difficult to grasp the scope and character of the changes that are manifesting and that we are facing. Yet, few doubt that much will be different – just a few decades from now. Very different!

This book is about consciousness.

About leadership in the organizations of the future.

Awake, courageous, and present people clearly see that something is changing – and must change. Helen Eriksen's book is special. It combines the verbally poetic with the managerial and biological, and it goes far in its intuitions and formulations of what is coming and where wisdom is hidden. Wisdom lies in humans and in nature.”


Lasse Zäll, Pathfinder:

"Isaac Newton sees the apple fall from the tree. That's where he discovers it. That truth is always simple and straightforward, and insight comes when we are in touch with ourselves and everything around us. So it was with the immediate insight about the falling apple and the understanding of the earth's gravitational force.

Then Newton lifts his gaze to see where the apple came from and sees much more. The insects swarming around the fruits, the sun's rays nourishing the tree, the strong and flexible branches holding the apples. Everything that happens before the ripe fruit falls to the ground.

Some years later, Isaac Newton writes: 'I am like a boy playing on the beach, who finds a stone or a seashell that is surprisingly beautiful, while the sea of truth lies before me with so many questions I have not yet found the answers to.

That's how I feel about the Fruit Tree Strategy. It inspires me to think longer to find the inspiration and truths that make me better understand everything happening between people and that fosters development.”


Jesper Loehr-Petersen, Partner, MacMann Berg:

"The fruitful strategy must be the one that creates life and meaning – also for others.

This book offers us readers an opportunity to think ourselves into the creation of our shared worlds. It challenges us with its great wisdom and melodic language to let go of the fixed and instead welcome the unexpected. To work with and believe in our intuition.

It is written for leaders and employees in organizations but can be read by everyone. The Fruit Tree Strategy opens up the valuable aspect of being human in a world full of possibilities. The book is a story about all of us for all of us. A story that opens and offers wisdom.

Whether we will use everything it offers depends on our willingness to invest ourselves in that wisdom.”


Anna Iben Hollensberg, General Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Swiss Biological Medicine, Naturopath, Silkeborg Medical Center, Denmark:

"Dear Helen

I am reading the Fruit Tree Strategy.
And you know what – that book is wild.
Deeply transformative in the finest way – I am SO excited about your feminine and humoristic lively presentation of something so complex and unconscious/invisible. THANK YOU from the heart for taking the time to bring it into the world here.”

Peter M Clausen, Former Chairman, Bitten and Mads Clausen Foundation, Danfoss A/S:

"Innovation in future companies requires a new and different mindset, a different consciousness in the people who must conceive it. We will not get there with our existing ways of developing and seeing things. Helen Eriksen's Fruit Tree Strategy provides an exciting and innovative proposal for how leadership and innovation in future organizations and companies could look like.”


Peter Russell, Scientist, PhD, author of The Global Brain
and other books:

"A wonderful and extremely creative book, poetic but serious, showing a new way forward for people and organizations.”


Hanne Risgaard, Journalist and Founder of Skærtoft Mølle on Als:

"I have a bench where, on early fair-weather mornings, I drink my coffee while meeting the light of the day. The bench stands at the boundary between my garden and one of our fields. From spring to autumn, I can follow the grain transform from delicate green shoots to golden ears and see the fruit trees stand as supernaturally luminous blooms in the faint light of dawn, to them – weeks later – being laden with ripe Belle de Boskoop, Cox Orange, Signe Tillisch, and Kongeæble. Something happens to you when you sit there! You are filled with gratitude for a giving nature and a diverse world – a nature and diversity that is under pressure because we humans have consumed it in a foolish belief that its resources are limitless. Today we know that it doesn't work that way, and that new awareness gives us all a responsibility and a duty to act. That is the responsibility and duty that Helen Eriksen deals with in this book, whose beautiful message is that we – individuals, leaders, members of communities, organizations, and society – grow and mature ourselves when we take care of and give to the world we are all a part of."

Give while growing

From Busyness to Well-being

Currently sold out from the publisher and undergoing reprint, available as an e-book and audiobook on saxo

Gain more energy by changing your habits. Helen Eriksen has worked for many years to enhance well-being in workplaces. She provides both a logical and human explanation for why we react the way we do in stressful situations and, most importantly, suggests what we can do differently.

We must not give everything we have without recharging. We should give so that we grow as individuals and gain more resilience. Psychologist, MSc in Psychology, Helen Eriksen is not without reason one of the country's most active and sought-after female speakers. She has a fantastic ability to articulate herself in clear images that everyone can understand and be inspired by. Helen has over 30 years of practical and theoretical experience with change processes, stress, and well-being. She advises a wide range of larger and smaller private and public companies in Denmark, Switzerland, and Germany.

What readers say:

"A very worthwhile book that truly provides an 'aha' experience regarding emotions related to organizational changes, where Helen Eriksen hits the mark."

Reviewer: Jette Landberg.


"Giving while growing" is fantastic and one of the best books I have read. I 'train' leaders in personal leadership and to become aware of themselves and their employees' mechanisms. When we start programs, I highly recommend that they read your book. It helps us quickly get on the same page. The book is humorous and covers many topics on how we become more aware, and it is filled with good tools that are easy to understand, accompanied by good examples and stories. You write exceptionally well. I love reading your books."

Lise-Lotte Bonné.


"Dear Helen. I've had a tremendously fun time, laughing and laughing this morning while reading your book. It went quickly... and wonder how quickly... think about how skilled you are at conveying such 'Heavy Stuff' so entertainingly and understandably. Big kudos... Thanks for that. And yes, that doesn't mean I'm done with the book, no, there's a lot to grasp here on my own property, so I will continue, now with your book as a good tool. Thanks for that."

Designer and interior architect, Karin Jersing

And ps. I must add that what is so great is truly experiencing "You Walk your talk."


"Helen Eriksen uses a brilliant combination of visual imagery and surprising everyday language in her communication. First, reading the words is stored in memory, AND then the day after a good night's sleep, you realize that the brain is running on new mental tracks of thoughts. Thank you so much Helen for also writing 'Give while you grow.'"

Journalist, Jette Tybjerg.


"The author of the book is not just any Helen. Helen Eriksen has several publications behind her, the last one is from 2008 and is called 'Changes don't ask for permission.' She graduated as MSc in Psychology in 2009 and could, before completing her degree, present a CV that could almost take the breath away from anyone. She is one of Denmark's most popular speakers, and Helen Eriksen (HE) has worked for more than 25 years with well-being and changes in the organizational culture in the workplace. This applies to both public organizations and private companies, including Novo Nordisk and Danfoss.

Who hasn't felt burned out after a day at work? It's probably very few who can deny this. This book, 'Give while growing' with the subtitle 'From busyness to well-being,' is about the psychological interactions in the workplace. It is also about becoming more aware of one's own and others' reactions and habits so that our lives do not end up in a negative spiral at work and in private life. It's about giving while growing as a person.

In the first chapter of the book, a very telling image is given of how we should give while growing. HE calls it the 'fruit tree strategy.' Fruit trees give fruit while growing themselves.

Throughout the book, there are examples of how we act in the workplace, whether we have the 'yes' or 'no' hat on. There are also case stories from real business life, making the book very lively, as some of the theoretical material can seem dry, but, in turn, the book provides great credibility with references to each chapter.

One of the more amusing episodes is when HE arrives at a company in Germany. She has been told from home that a merger of three companies needs a boost in motivation. When she arrives at the company (just during the financial crisis), she is handed a different task - namely, liquidation. How she handles the presentation for this task, you as a reader have the pleasure of reading - but it brings smiles.

The book is also about how we ourselves must take responsibility for our well-being in the workplace. We must become better at listening to our own gut feeling and especially the signals our body sends out. So that we can figure out if we are happy or too busy and need to slow down a bit. Discontent in the workplace can often lead to stress, but it's also about pausing for a moment and listening to others.

In the last chapter of the book, there are suggestions for various exercises that HE uses in her work when tasked with creating better well-being in the workplace.

It is absolutely a very rewarding book that everyone can benefit from reading, and I could wish that this book had a permanent place in all companies so that employees could read it as needed. It is well-structured, with a useful bibliography and a comprehensive keyword index."

Review from the Magazine: Astrologi, Karl Aage Jensen.

More Meaning

Changes Don't Ask for Permission, They Just Come

Helen Eriksen's latest book, 'Changes Don't Ask for Permission, They Just Come,' in the book series MORE MEANING, is about changes and change psychology. It explores how we react to changes, individually and collectively. The book provides practical suggestions on how, with a greater understanding of change psychology, working with multiple intelligences, originality, and innovation, we can become much better at embracing and dealing with changes. This helps us support ourselves and others in giving while growing, both at work and in private life.

Through the book, leaders are equipped to read and understand themselves, their employees, and their organizations in the constant flow of changes that challenge us. The book covers a range of effective leadership tools for navigating landscapes of change and increasing complexity. Most importantly, it guides leaders on how to create more meaning for their employees.

The main purpose of the book is to provide leaders and employees with common psychological frameworks for change. These frameworks contribute to creating sustainable change processes, increased well-being, quality of life, and cohesion for individuals and the organization as a whole. The content is based on 20 years of practical experience with change processes both domestically and internationally. It is supported by the latest research in innovation, neuroscience, optimized learning, and stress prevention.

Foreword by Professor Steen Hildebrandt and Innovation Chief at LINAK: Claus Rode.

Note: Price DKK 289.00. Purchase via MobilePay: 20776040. In the message field in MobilePay, please provide your name, postal address, and email, and within 3 days, you'll have inspiring winter reading.

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