Helen Eriksen

Helen Eriksen


Name Helen Eriksen
Phone 20776040

Professional background

Speaker at the SAND (Science And Non Duality) conference in August in Titignano, Italy, and in October in San Jose, USA, discussing my book, theory, and practice in "The Fruit Tree Strategy – Give while you grow, when everything is connected, why not let it be. On the new era leadership and self-leadership paradigm.

Speaker at the SAND (Science And Non Duality) conference in the USA, discussing my book, theory, and practice in "The Fruit Tree Strategy – Give while you grow, when everything is connected, why not let it be. On the new era leadership paradigm.

Consolidation of course, psychology, and coaching practice activities at Sandagergård, Bogense, Funen. Practice continues in Aarhus.

Keynote speaker at several Danish conferences on occupational health and safety.
My presentation: Job satisfaction - what is the actual meaning, based on the latest research in the field.

Release of the book "GIVE while you grow – from busyness to well-being," published by Lindhardt & Ringhof.
Teaching in the international program for female leaders "Leading Women" at CBS (Copenhagen Business School).

Keynote speaker at an international Novo Nordisk conference in London.
My presentation: The psychological dynamics behind sustainable motivation and well-being.

Responsible for "Inner Leadership" at the Kaospilot Education in Bern, Switzerland.

Keynote speaker at the IAPOP conference in Zurich with 500 project managers from 50 countries. My presentation: "The Fruit-Tree Strategy – Giving While Growing.

Continuous inspirator and instructor for the project "Energi til ildsjæle" (Energy for Enthusiasts) in Rebild Municipality, supported and subsequently highly praised by the Ministry of City, Housing, and Rural Areas.

Launch and conduct of the master class course in sustainable self-leadership: CHIEF-GET-TOGETHER ® – when chiefs gather to get to the core.

Starting a psychology practice in Aarhus.

Training coaches and instructors for HE's new education in sustainable leadership and self-leadership in the future business paradigm – LEADER's JOURNEY ®.
Release of the first part in the book series MORE MEANING with a foreword by Professor Steen Hildebrandt, titled "Changes don't ask for permission, they just come.
Intensive course, lecture, and consultancy business.
Implementation of a major change and merger process at Kantonhospitalet in Basel, Switzerland (merging five specialized laboratories into one central laboratory).
In collaboration with Swiss Kaospilot and partner Matti Straub, www.changels.ch. Current rector of the Kaospilots, Switzerland.
Implementation of a major change process at Danfoss' internal communication bureau G1 – from organization to organism, you are the change.
Training the world's first fruit tree strategists – future holistic leaders, at Danfoss A/S.
Both based on the theoretical content of HE's book "The Fruit Tree Strategy – Giving while you grow" – about change and future leadership in the new business paradigm.
On JP's Business Publishing: Release of "The Fruit Tree Strategy – Giving while you grow. Stories from living systems."
With a foreword by Professor and author Steen Hildebrandt, Aarhus School of Business, and music by Niels Lan Doky.
TV debater on the weekly debate program "Synspunkt" on DR1.
Regular columnist in the HR magazine Kubus – now PS4.
BEYOND [www.going-beyond.dk] Founder and Managing Director of BEYOND – an international business psychology company with a holistic, integrative approach. Lectures, courses, leadership coaching, motivation, inspiration, processes with a holistic, integrative focus on both individual and organizational change processes, well-being creation, stress prevention, stress management, sustainable leadership, and organizational development.
Education and Development Manager at Brusgård Production High School.
Teaching Coordinator. Development of new educational concepts and pedagogical guidelines.
Responsible for the development of the school's profile and the international department. Marketing Manager.
Resigned from the position as Education and Development Manager at Brusgård Production High School on June 30, 1996, as, due to political and municipal decisions regarding the school's future, I never got to work on the work and focus areas that were crucial for accepting the position in the first place.
KaosManagement, Århus.
International Project Manager and Development Consultant.
Responsible for the German-speaking countries.
Development, planning, and execution of change and innovation processes, cross-border teaching programs, and educational concepts.
Motivation, inspiration, personal development, leadership development, team training, organizational development.
Lectures, courses, conferences, and seminars. Denmark and Europe.
The School for Organic Marketing, Risskov.
Journalist and editorial staff member on the pilot project newsletter "Organic Marketing."
A newsletter covering trends and initiatives in the marketing of organic and environmentally friendly products in Denmark and Europe.
The target audience of the newsletter included grocery chains and educational institutions.
Organic associations, organizations, political decision-makers, etc.
Establishment of the Open Body University. Courses in a holistic approach to body, diet, psyche, and profession.
Freelance activities related to the marketing of organic products, personal development, motivation, inspiration, and consulting.
Export Academy, Aarhus/Urtekram A/S, Mariager
Education as an Academy Economist in International Business. Trainee/export employee at Urtekram A/S.
Responsible for marketing and export of organic and environmentally friendly products to Germany, England, and Japan.
Institute for Humaniology
Independent course, consulting, and publishing business.
Founder, daily manager, teacher, motivator, inspirator.
Holistic courses, lectures, and counseling in personal development, staff and leadership development, designing educational concepts for companies, educational institutions, and more.
Meditation, yoga, metaphysics, the multiple intelligences, body/mind/nutrition. Intuitive intelligence.
Publishing of the books: "The Tree of Life - and the Roots of Humanity - 1 and 2" in collaboration with Gunnar Nielsen.
Gerlev Idrætshøjskole.
Teacher in psychology, philosophy, quality of life, movement, body-mind-nutrition, yoga, meditation, yoga swimming, massage techniques. Bridging between science and consciousness. Publishing of the book: "The Assistance from the Body," in collaboration with Gunnar Nielsen.
Volunteer scout leader, KFUK Asserballeskov troop (troop leader, Tove Frederiksen).

Professional background

5-day silent retreat, Florida, Center for Mindfulness, USA, with Beth Mulligan and Jon Aaron.
Aarhus University, Danish Center for Mindfulness, Practicum 2, as part of my training as a teacher in MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) (5 days).
9-day silent retreat in connection with the training at Aarhus University/UMass to become an instructor in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with Melissa Myozen Blacker, Roshi, and David DaeAn Rynick, Roshi, from August 10 to 19.
The Sutras of Science: Science and Nonduality Retreat, 1.- 6. February, Esalen Institute, CA, USA With Deepak Chopra, Peter Russell, Robert Thurman, Michael Murphy, Menas Kafatos, Richard Miller, Catherine Pepin & Francis Lucille
Starting the education in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at Aarhus University/UMass.
Embarking on the education in Functional Medicine (Integrative Medicine) at The Institute for Functional Medicine, USA.
7-day MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) program retreat with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli, held at Fuglsøcentret, Denmark.
Completion of the leadership course: "Creative Leadership," Kaospiloterne, Denmark.
Completion of psychology studies, MSc in Psychology, Aarhus University.
Release of the book "Changes don't ask for permission, they just come" – Part 1 of the book series MORE MEANING.
Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Aarhus University.
Participation in the international conference "Human Mind – Human Kind" at Aarhus University, Department of Psychology. Exploring the latest trends and newest knowledge in evolutionary psychology and comparative psychology.
Completion of Spiral Dynamics Integral certification levels 2 and 3 with the American psychologist and author, Dr. Don Beck.
Resumption of studies in Psychology at Aarhus University.
1-week intensive course in Integral Leadership in Denver, Colorado, with philosopher, epistemologist, and author Ken Wilber.
Completion of Spiral Dynamics Integral certification level 1 with the American psychologist and author, Dr. Don Beck. The course covers an integrative and holistically oriented psychological tool, model, and system for interpreting cultures, societies, and individuals based on their memetic, culture-carrying values rather than their political, religious, or other backgrounds. Dr. Don Beck collaborates with one of the world's leading and most widely read modern philosophers, the American Ken Wilber, who has developed the widely used "quadrant model" for interpreting people, organizations, and relationships from an integrative perspective.
Writing and publishing the book: "The Fruit Tree Strategy – giving while you grow. A vision of the future that just couldn't stay silent." A book about change and the leadership and organizational structures of the future. Foreword by Professor Steen Hildebrandt. With music by Niels Lan Doky. Publisher: Jyllandsposten's Business Publishing.
Yearly recurring speaker on sustainable self-leadership and leadership of others at the international Women's Leadership Conference, WIN.
Speaker at the international conference "Business and Consciousness" in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, on the topic "The Importance of Conscious Role Models in Business."
Participation in the same conference, at the same location in November.

Participation in the "Business and Consciousness" conference in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. 450 people from around the world gathered to explore the latest trends in the field of business psychology.

Participation in the course: Conflict-Free Leadership organized by SEB, business psychology counseling with whom I have a network collaboration. (See their website: www.sebgruppen.dk)

Training for "Silver Licensed" aerobic instructor with the former owner and aerobic instructor at Aerobixen, Århus, Dorte Møller (now acquired by one of the larger fitness chains).

“Way of the Peaceful Warrior”.

“Way of the Peaceful Warrior”.

Course in the USA on martial arts, courage, and personal development with Dan Millman, American author and university lecturer.

Course in Native American traditions with the American shaman Hawk.

Course on "The inherent possibilities and resources of the brain and body, and ways to nurture them" by the Swedish-American neuroscientist Björn Merker.

1992 – 1994
Various courses in personal development and communication with Art Reade, American psychologist, and Native American.
1992 – 1994
Various courses in personal development and communication with Art Reade, American psychologist, and Native American.
Scandinavian Astrological School, Astrology House, Valby – attended the first year's semesters of the astrology training.
Intensive one-month French course at L'Institut E.L.F.C.A.
Hyeres, Toulon, summer 1991.
14-day study/scholarship stay at a French business school in Marseille.
Export Academy, Aarhus. Academy Economist in International Trade.
Sales and marketing, business economics, marketing, export.
Organization, business psychology, cultural differences, meeting facilitation.
German, English, French.
English studies at Aarhus University.
Writing two books on personal development: "Livets Træ- og menneskets rødder," exploring how individuals develop in 7-year cycles. Inspired by Rudolf Steiner and the Danish spiritual researcher Martinus. Co-authored with Gunnar Nielsen.
8-month stay at Gerlev Sports Academy, including a 4-month instructor training in gymnastics, movement, and movement psychology, as well as a 4-month course in "Sports and Health Pedagogy."
8-month stay at Gerlev Sports Academy, including a 4-month instructor training in gymnastics, movement, and movement psychology, as well as a 4-month course in "Sports and Health Pedagogy."

Graduated from the Amtsgymnasiet in Sønderborg.

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