A new chapter

That's how I think many people around the globe feel about the new year.
That it marks the beginning of a new chapter.
Or at least, it provides an opportunity to reflect on what happened in the past year.
What are you looking forward to?
What would you like to leave behind?
Are there areas of your life you would love to focus more on, which could actually be achievable if you dedicated attention to them?

And most of us have probably been there. We do everything we can, or at least we think we do, and it's sincere, yet sometimes we don't achieve what we genuinely wanted, but we can feel it's important. Not just for ourselves, but also because it could contribute something good to others' lives.

Maybe we think we're not good enough,
that we need more education to do it,
perhaps others are better at it
and what can we really contribute when it comes down to it?

Or maybe we've waited so long that now we might be getting too old for it?

The above could be a description of sequences in most people's lives.
Most of us don't believe we are good enough. We just do what we can to cope with it, make things work; after all, life must be lived.

But imagine if each of us, individually and together, could realize that we are each good enough just as we are?

Interestingly, in that beautiful self-acceptance lies such a declaration of love for oneself and thus life, that once you recognize that you are good enough as you are, you can surprisingly feel that in that very constellation, you have an incredible amount to give.

Each of us has an incredible amount to give. So much that it's just a matter of getting started.
And right there, where you can feel the strong call to get moving, you also don't mind supporting people around you with the same. To fulfill their unique calling.

Having a calling doesn't have to be anything sinister or religious.
It's just that inside, intuitively, you can feel what you could contribute in the larger context. It's a way of giving while growing in a connected universe, as I also described in my book "The Fruit Tree Strategy – about giving while growing" back in 2002. Some years ago, indeed, but I don't think the truth value has diminished since then, perhaps quite the opposite. The world, the globe, calls for many things that most of us can see would be really good if it could be adjusted a bit.

Imagine if it starts with ourselves, so with our calling and unique contribution, we create the ripples in the water that make a lot happen.

It has to start somewhere. And that place could be you. Right here. Right now. Today, this month, this year. NOW.

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