Eriksen Instituttet har til huse på Skovgaarden ved Nørreskoven på Als i Sønderjylland.

Fast yourself free – find your core (Advanced fasting course)



5. juli – 11. juli – ÅBEN FOR TILMELDING.

8,500 DKK, including VAT, meals, accommodation, and instruction.

Sådan tilmelder du dig – klik her.

See what previous participants are saying about the course.

"What the eyes are to the outer world, fasting is to the inner world." - Mahatma Gandhi.

"Fasting is the greatest medicine – the inner doctor." - Philippus Paracelsus.

On the advanced fasting course, we build upon our experiences from the beginner's course. Therefore, participation in the advanced fasting course requires that you have completed the beginner's course.

This year, for the first time, it takes place at my own location, Eriksen Institute, Langdyssevej 5, Østerholm, 6430 Nordborg. Right next to the beautiful Nørreskov and close to the sea. I am incredibly excited to welcome you to my newly renovated venue.

It is once again a week-long intensive course where:

  • Every day, you, along with other participants, embark on longer walks and hikes in the beautiful nature.
  • You find yourself in beautiful surroundings characterized by tranquility, silence, high ceilings, and delightful nature.
  • You completely unwind and de-stress. You get revitalized and recharge your batteries.
  • You are pampered daily with relaxation, yoga, meditation, massage, and foot baths.
  • Based on a holistic understanding, you gain knowledge about the latest research and practices in health psychology topics – body, nutrition, psychology.
  • Towards the end of the fasting, you have the opportunity to undergo a cleansing liver and gallstone treatment.
  • You discover your core with peace, self-awareness, joy, humor, and laughter.
  • You expand your brain capacity, improve your health quality, and enhance your overall well-being.
  • You invest in yourself, your well-being, your self-worth, your integrity, and your happiness.
  • You fast and detox for five days with organic vegetable broth, herbal teas, and freshly pressed vegetable juices.
  • You gain so much physical and mental surplus, self-awareness, and energy that it defies both the law of Jante and perhaps even gravity.
  • You learn about stress management, unwavering resilience, well-being, and self-leadership from the world champions: the body and nature.

Instructor: The course leader and instructor is psychologist, M.Sc. Helen Eriksen, who is also an author and international speaker with over 30 years of experience as a course facilitator, nutrition advisor, and body therapist. Helen has been fasting, meditating, and practicing yoga for over 30 years. She has, for an equal number of years, written books, conducted courses in fasting, yoga, mindfulness, and health psychology, and offered coaching and guidance on leadership development, personal development, well-being, self-motivation, health psychology – body-nutrition-mind relationships, stress prevention, and how to constructively approach changes. Helen also dedicates a significant portion of her time to creating well-being processes and coaching and supervising leaders and employees in the public and private sectors domestically and internationally, focusing on holistic perspectives on self and others.

Course price: 8,500.00 DKK including VAT, meals, accommodation, and instruction. Please bring your own bed linen and towels.

Duration: Ankomst mellem 17.00 og 18.00. Slut kl. 13.30.

Registration: Tilmelding sker ved indbetaling af enten den fulde kursuspris på 8.500 kr. eller depositum på 4.000 kr. (plus 700 kroner såfremt der ønskes enkeltværelse) til kontonummer:  0755-3230797527. Husk i så fald at oplyse kursustitel og efterfølgende at sende en mail til med dine kontaktdata. Din tilmelding er sikret og registreres ved indbetaling af depositum eller det fulde kursusbeløb. Herefter modtager du kvittering, kursusbekræftelse, kursusdetaljer mm. på mail. Restbeløb indbetales senest 2 måneder før kursusstart. Ved framelding indtil 2 måneder før kursusstart tilbagebetales 85% af indbetalt beløb, herefter fortabes det, eller det kan overføres (minus de 15%) til et andet af Helen’s kurser. Ved overtegning skrives du på venteliste og får besked om dette. Mulighed for afbetaling i 3 rater: 4000 kr, 2000 kr. 2500 kr. Kontakt Helen pr. mail:

Location: STOR er glæden over, at kurserne nu foregår på mit eget sted, Eriksen Instituttet, Skovgården, Langdyssevej 5, Østerholm, 6430 Nordborg, at kurset forgår. Lige op ad den smukke Nørreskov tæt på havet. Og at jeg glæder mig helt vildt til at tage imod jer på mit nyrenoverede sted.

Transport: Train to Sønderborg. From there, a 10-minute walk to the bus station, where buses to Nordborg depart. We will pick you up at the agreed time at the final stop in Nordborg between 16:00 and 17:00. The travel plan can be a helpful tool for travel planning.

Der er på dette års kurser plads til 8 personer på hvert af kurserne. Så tilmelding er efter først til mølle princippet. Sidste år solgte både begynder- og fortsætterkurset ud to timer efter offentliggørelse af datoerne.

For further information: Contact Helen Eriksen:, tel: 20 77 60 40."

Helen Eriksen er erhvervspsykolog, foredragsholder & forfatter
Do you have any questions before registering for the course?

So, write directly to Helen Eriksen via the form here.

"This year, I decided to push the boundaries and complete a week of advanced fasting with Helen. Long, daily, wonderful walks in the breathtaking natural surroundings, combined with liver-cleansing practices and deep conversations about everything that arose within us, made this week truly special. It carried me smoothly and securely into a transformative period in my own life, where I stand firm and confidently anchored. Cleansed of previous doubts and resistance to revealing something deeper within myself.
Helen is our brilliant, loving, gentle, and supportive guide to the domains that concern ourselves – and also a big thank you for the delicious lemon water, warmth, and care. I will be back!"


"I participated in the advanced fasting course in 2016, and it was a truly good experience. My need for stillness, movement, rest, good company, and nourishment were well taken care of. We walked in the most beautiful nature. I felt to a large extent that I was on a beautiful summer vacation in the best company. Many thanks for a renewing and life-affirming experience."


"My body and mind are profoundly affected by stillness. I can hear and feel myself—an all too rare encounter in everyday life. It happens from within through fasting and brief meditations. From the outside through the stay and walks in beautiful landscapes. I'm not sure how it works, but I'm sure I need to go again!"

Tina Pipa

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