Sustainable health
Well-being and Leadership
- for yourself and others.

About The Eriksen Instutute

Imagine that you only need to go to one place to:

  • Take complete care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being
  • Find a relaxing, well-deserved space for reflection and immersion in a scenic wellness location close to the forest and beach
  • Discover tranquility for healing and regeneration, singing, dancing, joy, and the opportunity to connect with yourself, your core, your calling

Yes, you read it right – you can do all of this in one place.

A place that simultaneously:

  • Offers top-quality occupational and health psychological coaching and sparring
  • Provides an individualized holistic consultation systematically addressing your entire being – your body, diet, mind, spirit, past, present, future
  • Forms the backdrop for a stay with uplifting and detoxifying organic, vegan, and gluten-free nutrition, mindfulness meditation, gentle yoga, compassion exercises, reflexology, massage, sauna, wilderness bath, forest bathing, nature therapy, and community singing

This is the place I would have liked to visit and revisit over the years, but it did not exist – until now.

I have managed to create this place, and I can hardly wait to welcome you.

The Eriksen Institute is located at Skovgaarden near Nørreskoven on Als in Southern Jutland.

The place is created so that you, as an organization, as a leader of yourself and others, with your colleagues and employees, or as an individual in various phases of your life, have a place to go that is scientifically grounded, holistic, and highly qualified in occupational and health psychology.

It is a place where you can go to be inspired, receive guidance, gain new knowledge, have time for contemplation and self-reflection in beautiful nature by the forest and beach. All while being treated to healthy and delicious organic vegan food and drinks.

The Institute's approach is both whole-brained and whole-hearted, as these qualities are fundamental infrastructures for sustainability in well-being, health, and self-leadership. 

So, here we build bridges between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, between Eastern and Western philosophies, scientific theories, health perspectives, and cosmologies – thereby sharpening our awareness of connections inside and outside of ourselves. To gain access to what could be called life wisdom and a psychology of coherence.

Here, it is fundamental that we inspire the development of our life skills, to be formed to live our lives inspired by epigenetic research, which tells us that our thoughts, emotions, the food we eat, the exercise we practice, and the people we surround ourselves with actually influence which of our genes turn on and off.

With life wisdom, everything is combined in a way that can be called universal wisdom with a Nordic or European perspective – because this is where I stand in the world.

We are inspired, for example, by:

  • Quantum physics: When the universe is one universally connected quantum field, where quanta seem to have consciousness of each other despite distance in time and space, how can we use this circumstance to consciously create increased coherence, meaning, and well-being in our organizations and societies?
  • Nature: How do you navigate intuitively and grasp complexity? What can we learn from the leadership of starling flocks and the way trees and fungi communicate with each other over great distances?
  • The body: How do cells actually work together, practice knowledge sharing, and handle transitions? What can we specifically and practically learn from the body as an organism?
  • World visionary organizations and leaders: What can we learn from these individuals who have walked the path and on many levels are already navigating in a sustainable way? What can we learn from their ways of supporting the individual – and their ways of creating meaningful and well-being-building coherence?

The purpose of the Eriksen Institute and its presence in the world is to be a mouthpiece, a meeting and breeding ground, an inspiratorium, and a life sanatorium for what humanity and the future need: that we both grasp and comprehend, rethink and transform to create in every way a sustainable and meaningful new paradigm of well-being and cohesion on this planet – in our nature, in our societies, in our organizations, in our city, in our family, and in our relationships – and it starts with ourselves.

Read more about Helen Eriksen, the founder of the Eriksen Institute

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