Course Overview
featuring the institute's open
2024 & 2025.

Well-being coach – give as you grow, create well-being, and more meaning

Opstart februar 2025

A course suitable for leaders and employees who want to learn more about what creates well-being in practice. The course provides you with knowledge of concrete tools of great practical value in reducing absenteeism, promoting a healthier psychological work environment, increasing job satisfaction, motivation, and overall quality of life. The well-being coaching program can also be conducted internally within your company in Danish, German, or English in groups of 8-12 participants.

1-dagskursus i faciliterende og frissættende ledelse

16. januar 2025

Én top inspirerende, opkvalificerende, kompetenceløftende kursusdag, hvor du får teoretisk og praktisk indsigt i, hvad faciliterende og frisættende ledelse er, viden om psykologien bag et langtidsholdbart og velfungerende teamsamarbejde, og et kig ind i maskinrummet for, hvordan og hvorfor 4 dages arbejdsuge virker så kattens trivselsskabende. En kursusdag spækket med nyeste forskning og praktiske eksempler og erfaringer fra de virksomheder og kommuner, der med succes allerede er i fuld gang.

Facilitative Leadership – your education in the leadership of the future

Datoer på vej.

The leadership education in Facilitative Leadership is based on the latest research and practical experience, emphasizing how you, through facilitative and authentic leadership, can pave the way for more meaning, well-being, coherence, greater psychological safety, and the development of sustainable organizations for the future. The education is both theoretical, practical, and case-oriented, where you will also work with cases from your own organization.

Fast yourself free – find your core (Beginner)

04.-10. januar 2025.
01-07. februar 2025.
28. juni – 4. juli 2025.

26. juli – 1. august 2025.
2. august – 8. august 2025.

A week-long fasting course with self-care, personal development, humor, joy, and 30 years of experience. You will gain so much physical and mental vitality, self-awareness, and energy that it boldly defies not only the Law of Jante but perhaps even the Law of Gravity in these modern times.

Fast yourself free – find your core (advanced)

5. juli – 11. juli 2025.

At the advanced fasting course, we build on our experiences from the beginner's course. Therefore, participation in the advanced fasting course requires that you have attended the beginner's course.

This year, for the first time, it takes place at my own location, Eriksen Institute, Langdyssevej 5, Østerholm, 6430 Nordborg. Right next to the beautiful Nørreskov and close to the sea. I am incredibly excited to welcome you to my newly renovated venue.

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Sign up for my newsletter and simultaneously receive my 10 valuable tips for more well-being, meaning, and coherence – along with your personal well-being strategy.